Product Care

We are so happy you have discovered Omnia. All Omnia bracelets are hand-made in the USA with high quality genuine natural gemstones. So it is important to keep your bracelets clean to keep them looking beautiful.

Daily Maintenance 

After wearing, you can clean it with a soft cloth, gently rubbing the stones. If you see any discoloration or build up on or in between your stones you can simply clean with warm water and a little mild liquid soap.  Gently scrub the stones with a damp soft cloth and a tiny amount of mild  soap. Then rinse off soap with a damp soft cloth and dry with a clean dry soft cloth.

Keep Your Bracelet Dry

Omnia bracelets are not meant to be immersed in water.

We highly recommend that you remove your bracelet before swimming,(in the ocean, pool, hot tub etc.) showering or bathing. Minerals and chemicals can damage the stones and metal components and also shorten the lifespan of the bracelets.

Take Off Your Bracelet Before Working Out Or Playing Sports

We recommend not working out or playing sports with your bracelet. Not only can your bracelet  get caught on things and break but it can also get damaged when in contact with excessive sweat.

Take Your Bracelet Off Before Bed

We recommend taking the bracelet off before bed. First off, tossing and turning with your jewelry on can be dangerous. It can also be uncomfortable. Second, this is a great chance to cleanse your bracelet. As you may or may not know stones attract energy and need to be cleansed regularly. You can place your bracelet on a piece of selenite. Keeping a piece of selenite on your nightstand is always handy and a gentle reminder for you to take your bracelet off and charge it too. 

Protect Your Bracelet From Harsh Chemicals 

You want to be careful with skin care products and fragrances that you apply to your body. Skincare products and fragrances are composed of chemicals. 

Do not wear your bracelet when applying lotions and oils, harsh soaps, makeup, perfume and when using household cleaners. It can cause fading, corrosion, tarnishing and damage the stones.

Store Your Bracelet In A Clean Dry Space

You can place your bracelet in a jewelry box, pouch or other clean dry place.


Omnia bracelets are aromatherapy bracelets. We recommend an essential oil blend to diffuse ONLY on the lava/diffuser stones.

Putting it on the gemstones can cause  damage to the stones.

You can always contact us if you have any questions or concerns. We are here for you. We want to help you care for your bracelets so they remain looking beautiful and long lasting.